
Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunny Chan said he's Extremely Shy

Translated by: aZnangel @
Source: Mingpao, The Sun

Sunny Chan said he's Extremely Shy
Yesterday Jessica Hsuan and Sunny Chan were in the hot weather filming for "Just Love II" outdoor scenes. In the series, Sunny could be said to be the Police Officer as he would stop others from smoking and people who cut queue lines on the streets. The scene talked about how Sunny's "hot tempered" illness arised again, so he was taken to the police station. In reality, Sunny said he is very shy because he's the only son in his family, his parents has always taught him not to do dangerous things. He smiled: "I only will discipline by son at home. I do not allow him to cry and when he's having a diaper change, he can't run around everywhere. I do not dare to tell people on the streets to stop smoking, if they aren't harming our bodies. In most cases, I would just walk away." He expresses that he once witnessed some students fighting, but he did not approach them to try to stop them, just went to call the police for help.

Jessica said Sunny is "40,000"
Jessica greatly praised Sunny's excellent acting. Although in the series he has "hot temper" illness, but in reality he's the "Male Version 40,000". When he sees Jessica unhappy, he would crack jokes to make her laugh. Collaborating with him feels very comfortable. As in the series they are parents, asked how her and her 'son' gets along? She smiles and said that this is their second day of working, also maybe because Sunny has babysitting experience, so the little child actor likes to play with Sunny more.

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