
Monday, May 26, 2008

Ah Sa injured pelvis bone while filming

Charlene yesterday filmed 'Sword Butterfly' in Shanghai with Wu Chun. She was hit by one of the axe near the pelvis area, the pain was so extreme it brought her into tear and at one point she wasn't able to move. It was known that the staff and director was all anxious, they shut down the filming and immediately send her to the hospital. According to nurses Ah Sa was taken to the hospital and accompany by her assisant.

Before the incident, Ah Sa was catching up with the filming of 'Sword Butterfly', when yesterday it was known that she was filming her action scenes the unfornate accident happened. The doctor inspected her pelvis bone, and said she was lucky that her pelvis bone didn't fissure, but because it still spranged, doctor wants Ah Sa to suspend all filming and it would be better is she was resting. The doctor wanted Ah Sa to remain in the hospital bed until recovery, but Ah Sa, because of her duty and she was afraid she would hender the filming progress, she wanted to continue filming. She insisted to leave the hospital, and hid the truth from the doctor and continue filming. Luckily the director was really understanding and didn't asked her to continue the action scene, instead he told her to wrap up the ending and sent her to the hotel to rest.

It was known that Ah Sa was worried about the filming of "Storm Rider II' also, because she has many action scenes that aren't complete, it made her very anxious, and Charlene informed her manager Mani immediately. When Mani learned about Ah Sa being injured, she didn't look that worried, Ah Sa have always been good luck and is very lucky, she only needed bedrest, but only when Mani heard that it wouldn't affect Charlene's childbirth in the future did she let out a fresh breath.

Sorry if some of the translation is alittle werid. They used some Chinese methaphors which is hard to translate. Also credit: Rebecca: edisonLOVEScharlene

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