
Monday, March 31, 2008

Roger Kwok: I'm critical for a good life; D.I.E Peaks at 38 Points

Credits: Translated by: aZnangel @ Asian Entertainment Universe
Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily

Last week's broadcast of "D.I.E" broke this year's TV ratings record. This week's ratings increased to 34 points, peaking at 38 points! To celebrate the success, yesterday TVB especially arranged a celebration party, besides the entire cast of D.I.E attending, the male lead and new father Roger Kwok was also present.

Energetic Work
Having to look after his son Brad and working, Roger says: "sometimes there needs to be sacrfices, my son eats very slowly, eats the soft foods for an hour. (Is it hard work?) I don't feel tried, I feel its inherent responsibilities. Now I feel that this is the most critical time, have to be energetic when doing the work." He also feels that Brad resembles his wife, but friends think that he looks more like Roger. As for his wife is breast feeding Brad, he says that his wife's health has always been well because her uterine contraction wound is recovering pretty fast. But Cindy (his wife) cannot wash her hair for the first month, she only can use water to wash out the oil on the surface of the head. He laughs: "Her hair right now looks like its been on the beach, lots of all back gel!" He also reveals that his wife will be released from the hospital next week, afterwards he will help his wife look after Brad because he's afraid that if he hears too much words from the maid, in the future he might not speak cantonese properly. As for Cindy's mother being accused of abusing power, asked if he feels because he's a well known figure, so he dragged her mother down? He feels that he did affected this issue a bit, but the situation is not like that and also is nothing serious, thats don't need to worry

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