
Monday, March 31, 2008

Ron Ng helps Elanne Kong Pretend to be rich

Translated by: Sammy@
Date: 30/03/08

Ron ng and Elanne Kong were filming an outdoor scene for Academy Full throttle. the scene was that filmed, Elanne said that she was a princess of another country on her blog, but unfortunately people found out that she was lying, and Ron, in order to help her, took her to the "rich area =]" to take some photos for her, helping her pretend to be rich

The two are seen as on-screen lovers, and Ron is working with Elanne for the first time. Even though they have a huge age difference, they still get along very well. Ron said "I've been working with her for two days and I read in the newspaper that she’s a "boy killer" (is she your type?) U'm not a boy, and its pretty obviously that shes still very young, only 20 years old, I like the more mature types. But she's asked me before, "Were you born in the 80s?" and i told her, "70s! i've been in the industry for 10 years ! No joke" Elanne was asked about this and she laughed “I thought he was 24 or 25! But he has kept his look very well!”. Asked if she liked boys much older than she is, Elanne said “I reckon 5 years difference its OK! But age difference is not a huge problem. If the person treats me well, and is even younger than me I really have nothing against it but I hope it will only be 5 years!”.

Asked if both of them were worried about rumors, Ron said “No I’m not scared, and we can’t hide from them. If newspapers want to write about this then we can’t do anything. I won’t purposely go hide from all this. Everyone is just working for a living!”. Elanne Kong also expressed that she wasn’t afraid of rumours.

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