
Monday, March 31, 2008

Myolie Wu Enters Kitchen, can get married anytime

Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEntertainmentUniverse
Source: Takungpao, The Sun

Myolie Wu Enters Kitchen, can get married anytime

Good at cooking, Myolie Wu was invited to "Stars Kitchen" 《星級廚房》 yesterday and immediately cooked up her speciality, "Myolie's Fried Fresh Milk". She laughs saying that after participating in this show, she can go get married because Master Chef Chow said after Halina Tam went on this show, she got married right after.

Best at frying eggs
Myolie feels that as a girl, should know how to cook some dishes and her cooking ablities was learned from her mother. She's best at frying eggs, as for fried rice, the hands needs to be quick and brave. Asked if she would cook for her rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong? She smiles: "He never ate my cooking before because I don't usually cook, in contrast, I have tried his Italian cooking beofre." She also says that points will be added if the guy knows how to cook and won't need her to do it. Also, next month Myolie will participate in Hunan's dance show 《舞動全城》. Before the show, she will have to secretly practice her moves, she said: "I don't have a dance background, hopefully when the time comes I will be able to pull it off, but my dance instructor has said I had talent, but maybe its because he doesn't want to add pressure for me, he hoped that I could be calm/relaxed when practicing, so that's why he said this."

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