
Friday, May 23, 2008

Anne Heung in Shanghai Starting New Life as an OL

Translated by: aZnangel @
Source: Oriental Daily

Miss Hong Kong 1998 Anne Heung, although last month attended the 「慧妍雅集」 function as their president, but on the first of this month (May) she officially went to Shanghai to start her new OL life.

Last night at 7pm, reporters spotted Anne in Shanghai at a restuarant with two male and female friend having a meal. The group chatted happily, after about 2 hours they left the restuarant. In black and a low cut top, Anne and her two friends came out of the restuarant and waited for a 7-person van. Only been in Shanghai for less than a month, Anne seems to already gotten familiar with the area. When she realized that she was being followed by reporters, she and her male friend got out of the car and told reporters that they do not need to follow her anymore, after she said that she got back into the car and drove away.

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