
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Loving Dog Gone ~ Gigi Sad

Source: UDN
Translated by Cmiley (Please credit or link if posted elsewhere)

Gigi Leung and Eric Suen are dubbing together for the voices of the new movie "A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies", speaking of this time using the voice to play an elder character, Gigi admitted that she'll have to change the voice to become more soft and gentle. Gigi also disclosed her beloved dog Kuka has passed away, during the dubbing it's hard not to think of the pet, and because the story is too touching, naturally tears stream.

As for Eric Suen "Virgin" to dubbing, naturally it's a challenge: "Luckily during this time Woo Fung 胡楓 taught him dubbing, his voice has a strong characteristic, it's worth it to learn." Eric also says because he speaks really quickly, if there's another chance to dubb, could consider playing a mouse character.

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