
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Joey Doesn't Forget to Sell Merchandise

Joey's "Starlight Concert 2008" is going to end today. The day before, during her second show, Joey's collegues Gladys, Steven and Dennis attended in support. Later, Joey revealed she twisted her ankle during her intense dancing lessons in the US. Joey expressed, "A lot of friends have asked me if I am able to go on. I thank all of them, and it was because of their kindness that provided me the motivation to do the best in every show."

After singing "Escape", the crowds massed to have a handshake. All the while Joey jokingly laughed, "Don't forget to buy the T-shirt!". Her loyal fans rushed towards the stand after the concert to purchase the limited edition starlight T-shirts.

Credits: Oriental Daily
Translated: Dengero @

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