
Friday, April 18, 2008

Jay Chou drags Aaron Kwok into it, gets batmobile

Source: Liberty Times (taken from

Jay Chou is worth about 500 million, but he maintains his principle of "Listening To Mother's Words", all the money he makes he gives to his mother to deal with, he can only think about investing or buying houses to sell but he can't do any of them. In order to persuade his mother to let him buy a new car, he dragged in Aaron Kwok and Jordan Chan as examples, at least he got his dream custom made "Batmobile" sports car, he happily revealed that he may get the new car by May, by then he doesn't rule out that it may make an appearance in his new MV.

Popularity attracts buyers, commercial companies see Jay Chou's charm, they've hired him to be spokesperson for an online game, yesterday he was promoting it with Ann An, Novia Lin and other models. At present Jay Chou has as many as 9 commercial spokesperson roles, his spokesperson fee is at least upwards of TW$20 million, if you estimated with an average of 30 million, his fees in total could be over 270 million.

Jay Chou's money making skills are excellent, but he said: "The best way to take care of finances is to give it to mother, savings account, buying mutual funds or buying a house." Even though his mother's way of handling finances is very conservative, but he said: "Mother's scared that if I casually invest I might get cheated."

Even though sometimes Jay Chou will tempted when he sees sample houses, but when he wants to get his mother to come look he's always refused, instead when it's his agent Yang Jun Rong who likes the look of one, his mother will come out and look at it, Jay Chou said helplessly: "She thinks I'm a child, I don't see things accurately."

The money is hard earned, of course he has the right to enjoy it, the way Jay Chou persuaded his mother to let him spend big was to "make her mad", he said: "I often make examples, Aaron Kwok's already bought a few cars, Jordan Chan's made a bit of money buying houses, only then did mother let me buy a car."

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