
Friday, April 18, 2008

Ah Sa talks about the scandal; almost giving up 3 years into Twins; their roads now, and her future!


Ah Sa described the "the colorful aperture" (Scandal) is "the matter which I cannot bear", she acknowledged that she at that time very much puzzled, pressure high, losing sleep, because does not dare to believe the human, therefore does not dare doctors to look.

  Before interviewing Ah Sa that day is the Oscar promulgation, and she attended a what was ah gill's part in the Butterfly Lovers, an all day work: The release conference, the fight in which several persons take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out, then accepts the national media visit, then back to modelling for the crowd and then back to the movie studio to film the playbill, then must run outside the hall and meet fans (the bean or sweet potato starch noodles). Ah Sa told the reporters secretly: "you know? Our Fans some people have married, yesterday just selected the gift for her and send it." Although she wanted to put Ah gill inside the message, she was not the custom says "us".

  Ah Sa said that this year she is 25 years old, ah gill is 27. However, she was 18 when she first started in the industry, entering the third year she suspected she didn't suit this field, she asked EEG's boss Yang Shoucheng to discuss wants to resign. All people opposed her, including Ah Gill, who "is more optimistic than me," we slowly lives through. Last year, originally "was one of our best year, I took the South Korean Fuchuan film festival movie queen, we won the Asian and Pacific area most received and welcome female singer award, and I won Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia prize movie queen", but the beginning of this year in January, the scandal happen. Ah Sa described now the scandal is "I cannot bear, the very big matter, I can say only, my life has not had a matter that big ". She acknowledged that she at that time very much puzzled, pressure high, losing sleep, but because does not dare to believe the human, therefore does not dare doctors to look.

Talking about ah Gill's matter, Charlene said she does not have to circle aroud the matter but talk about ah Gill naturally, because Ah Gill's topic is a topic that ah Sa could not avoid. Even if ah Gill already temporarily left the entertainment world, and ah Sa is already to wear 3,000,000 diamond ornamentses to be lucky expensively blanket's movie queen be accepted. After finishing talking about ah Gill above, Ah Sa herself in the contradictory said: "can you write a few spots?"

  ■ Ah Sa discusses the movie

  I hoped that during the 30s I may develop motherhood, and around 40s may develop mother-in-law

The south metropolis newspaper (hereafter refers to as "south"):

How and when did you learn that you were nominated for being Best Actress in the Hong Kong 27th award?

  Ah Sa: I was with a kindergarten class with six and seven year olds friend in the same place, inside there were some colleagues and cinema world friends at that time, then some people from my company telephoned me saying:" feeds, you were accepted the movie queen." I was quite and didn't move for a second, then I shouted to everyone (stretches out the arms): "feed - - - I am accepted the movie queen!"

  South: Heard that you do obeisance Zhan Ruiwen (Simply Actor) are Shi Xue act in a movie, what did you learn while filming with him?

  Ah Sa: I learned to be real. Before possibly makes a movie majority is expresses some mood with own intuition, after studying after him, I can use some body language on the start to express. Before I only use probably three methods, now I have about ten methods, there are many ways to act a scene. Moreover, I can use different sound (voice), before I act in movie the weakest place is the sound, because my voice probably sound like a child, now I have more control.

  South: Inside which movie do you like most?

  Ah Sa: Each movie I like some part of it, because I am the type of person that don't have big goals, even since infancy to maturity, I usually if I don't have things to do I will go home and sleep, watch television, eat things ......Very monotonous. Therefore, when I take on a role I wanted to be the character it makes my life very splendid, almost as if I have many different lives, (pointed at) it makes me more interesting.

  South: This year you must face many things, the nomination of movie queen, does Ah Gill temporary separation, what idea do you guys have about TWINs?

  Ah Sa: I beforehand quite easy very rigid, now, Ah Gill, although leaves temporarily, it is not a bad stage. My thoughts at present is that this is a new experience, now we don't have to be appealing to just young female students. Things that happen just happens, therefore I don't think about wanting a lot of things. I hoped that I may be become an evergreen actress (like Zhang Manyu and such ) I don't need to win that many prizes, also does not need the piece reward to be very happy. I think one will grow in the movie industry. I hope in life I can be a mother in my 30s and become a mother-in-law in my 40s.

News playbacking

  First response to the Scandal?

  On January 28 before dawn, before on-line has exposed doubtful Edison Chan and scandal girlfriend Gillian Chung, on the girlfriend Chen Wenyuan's bed illuminates colorfully. EEG entertainment group sends the staff member to go to the Wanzai Police headquarters immediately to report.

  I was very much shock, this is (scandal) I cannot bear, very big matter, I all I can say is my life has not occurred a matter that big.

  South: When did you really start to know that you are an idol?

  Ah Sa: Honestly for the first 3 to 4 years, I really didn't thought that I am very popular or a star, "I remembered at that time I saw in some situations Zhang Manyu, Liu Dehua, they have the giant star style very much, they seem very far from what we are, and I could smell their star taste." I feel I was very ordinary, probably a child! However, people and family said at that time: you are popular, you guys wins many combination prize. But ah Gill and I did not think we are stars, both of us only response to those comment with a mutual smile. Afterward, we adventure out and begin touring areas, developmenting opportunities, and unexpectedly we see: "ya, we really have many fans." Including mainland, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, etc have fan, we start to think, oh, thing we have done, our hard work has not been wasted. Last year we went to the US and Canada, and alot of foreigners brought our special edition and asked for us to sign it, then I also asked him with Ah gill : "Do you really understand it? can you understand our music?"

  South: Therefore in your mind, last year was a very special year?

  Ah Sa: Yes, last year we really have a great harvests. I again repeat I won the South Korean Fuchuan (Pifan) film festival movie queen, we won the Asian and Pacific area most receive and welcome female singer, and Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia prize movie queen.

  South: But this January the scandal, your road is suddenly broken .

  Starts to believe the photograph is real?

  On January 29, I continued to promote Kung Fu Dunk, Cecila Cheung naked photo is also exposed. The ah Gill's fans (bean or sweet potato starch noodles) initiate the global alliance, collects the evidence to wash clean the wrongful treatment for the idol. But according to police's preliminary appraisal, the picture synthesizes by no means that but is the video frequency truncation chart.

  "the first feeling was not said that the trust or did not believe that I was only think very pitiful, not to Ah Gill or I, a person, two person, but to the entire society. I thought that is a very serious social question."

  South: How did you learn about this scandal?

  Ah Sa: This matter I fisrt heard from the company, then people start phoning to tell me. I at that time was entirely tarried. Moreover the newspaper reported every day, therefore it was impossible to not noticed.

  South: your first feeling was to not believe?

   Ah Sa: At that time I was in Shanghai, and having a fever. Others said after me, the first feeling was not to trust or should I believe, I could only think suddenly how pitiful, not to Ah gill or I, a person, two person, but to the entire society ......I thought that is a very serious social question. What I thought at that time was many different feelings and many different mood in that short period of time, very many different stages, probably like a butterfly changing stage. At first I was angry, very much, then I was very sad, but, then very very indignant, and very angry, then I thought to the present ......The life is this appearance, regardless of which road you take, you are bound to bump into some setbacks. I thought that this is a test, must think that you can go through a strategic pass.
South: You thought that you have gone through a strategic pass?

  Ah Sa: I thought that now instead this matter possibly is a very good opportunity, because of seven years, we have sung acts and film together or nearby, we two will not to stop, has not rested. Now she may rest a section, I may have some changes, I hoped oneself can after this matter, has a new direction. I have not looked now that pessimistically.

  During that period of time did you feel bitter and experience mood difficulty?

On February 4, someone recorded the video and I heard that the video was distributed overseas, and Edison went public about the matter, how it affects the victims, and apologize. On February 8, Scandal went out of control, surpasses 400 pictures on-line to expose. Ah Sa also tracked down or followed and questioned unceasingly by reporters.

  “Each day after events I would lies down on the bed and think has the situation got better yet? Tomorrow, if reporters asked me again how should reply? I cannot speak erroneous remark!”

  South: Before me, reports said that Huo Wenxi disclosed at that time your mood was also bad, even needed to make psychological counselling.

  Ah Sa: I had said this is my 25 years (with emphasis) I never thought I would have to face such a matter. I have not blamed anyone, also had not complained, this is not Ah Gill's flaut, what I think was wow so sudden. At that time, every other day I must accept alot of reporter's visits. At that time the real pressure is very big, sometimes I lose sleep, but does not dare to go see a doctor, because we are a celebrity after all, the whole things was very difficult to believe.

  South: Then you do you have a person to talk to about this?

  Ah Sa: Mani is a very good psychological instructor, as soon as I made my debut she from the very beginning was our psychological instructor. How (does she elucidate you? She also puzzles. ) Right? Yes, she was also puzzled. Like I said we went through alot, when I entered my 3rd year in the industry I started to believe in Buddhism, Mani also believes in Buddhism. My grandfather is also a believer. Mani will speak Buddha with us to make us brave, it really did help, and we were really brave. Moreover my mother and the grandmothers helps me to ask for signs and add the sesame oil.

  South: The media said that at the time you were really thin, how thin were you?

  Ah Sa: I did not know, but that definitely has a point, but I was not severly thin, thin is a heredity trait for my family. Inside my family not a person is fat.

  Why did Ah Gill say that “very silly is very naive”?

  On February 11, Ah Gill under ah Sa accompaniment went to Yu Yinghuang the headquarters meeting media, the public response apologizes for the first time, declared before, “very silly is very naive”, but the most web cams do not give accept, ridicules her in “to act in a play”.

  “some people suggested that `do not install strongly, must cry, to cry to suffer extreme distress, this appearance will obtain the sympathy.'But she has rejected, that is not Ah Gill. She has not deceived everybody.”

  South: At that time Ah Gill came out to apologize: “I very silly am very naive.”These words smile by very many people. Thought that she is insincere, then I thought our newspaper the columnist writes, actually these words are you, she and Mani think together. Then these words are she must retain certainly. I want to know how at that time these words were produce?

  Ah Sa: I think ah Gil is a very violent person, the extroversion, sometimes is very sometimes introverted. Is possibly because she is the aquarius, changes to changes, very difficult to ponder over. Her introversion time will not express itself, also does not want to express itself. Moreover you knew that has the such big matter, she is a female after all, when female what gives others to look, if is you, what you will have to feel? I wanted she already to be at that time chaotic, if were I, I could be insane possibly. I thought that Ah gill is not insincere, was only she already had been very at that time weak, but must install strongly, was really very awfully. Also some people with us suggested like this, “do not install strongly, must cry, cries to suffer extreme distress, this appearance will obtain the sympathy.”But she has rejected, that is not Ah Gill. She is this appearance originally, she has not deceived everybody. Is only everybody is not willing to accept.

Part 5

Ah Gill loves the wrong person?

  On February 21, Edison Chan returned to Hong Kong to convene reporters to announce that forever will withdraw from Hong Kong entertainment world, and will apologize to all being involved in a case star. The Scandal comes to the end in light of this.

  “I am quite careful, but Ah gill will be very easy to be very ripe with a person, then very easy to pay own sentiment, she will readily believe others very much.”

  South: If very many people will come across these matters to think that the friend will not be such which I thought originally, will think disappointedly, is deceived, can you have such feeling?

  Ah Sa: In my eye, ah Gill forever is that ah Gill. Because I have been too ripe with her, I too understand her, therefore, in any case is good, she is in my eye that ah Gill.

  South: What kind of girl is ah Gill in your eyes?

  Ah Sa: Actually what she is really is one very pure, a very naive girl. She is one very easy to believe others' person. I am probably considered quite careful, but she will be very easy to be very ripe with a person, then very easy to pay own sentiment. Before I will tell her frequently, what I thought about the people we meet, the good and the bad. But she is basic and thought that everybody is a good person. Actually what she is really a very good person. For this matter, I really am very grieved.

  The work double causes the healthy crisis?

  On March 17, Huo Wenxi disclosed that the ah Gill temporary separation fromm the entertainment world, later will arrive at the overseas further education language and dances. On March 26 publishes two Hong Kong weekly publish the picture saying that excess load work Ah Sa already to collapse edge.

  “everybody does not need to worry me. Because I am the really strong Ah Sa. If I may say, Ah Gill and my mood is not that bad, I am slowly getting the grip, Ah Gill is also.”

  South: Then after this matter, you thought that your group will have what kind of change?

  Ah Sa: I first waited for her to take advanced courses then come back and then we could talk about it, but some things definitely have the reassignment.

  South: This period of time you have taken over very many ah Gill's jobs, aren't you tired, do you think you could endure? Your work will have some puzzles, what kind of images does Twins have in the future?

  Ah Sa: How can others think that I will not manage that many. I work silently now, so long as you diligently work, the final result is good.

  Will Twins dismiss or the withdrawal entertainment world?

  On March 28, the entertainment world will pass on a message Twins to dismiss. On March 31, Ah Sa goes to Guangzhou attends activities and disclose that Ah Gill will later possibly transfer to Hollywood to develop, but will continue to pay great attention Hong Kong and inland development.

  “enters third year I want to give up, but ah Gill has encouraged me, afterward we agreed that we must achieve what we can until nobody like or accept us anymore would we then gave up.”

  South: I thought your plan for today is really full, is this kind of active status a habit?

  Ah Sa: Yes, but I fortunately, before has tries to be very laborious, the wish came true. Talking about the past now, just when we entered our third years together, I really wanted to resign and take on another job. why (is the third year? ) because the my first work is this, previous first two years are planned out by others, THEY want me to be anything but me and tell me try to look like this or this, and when the third year start we began to have our own idea, we started not listen to the company opinion, I always remember the before stardom life.

  South: How did you kept in there and didn't let other down?

  Ah Sa: At that time, alot of people and I discussed. I talked with my father and mother, (manager Huo Wenxi) discussed with Mani, talked with the boss Yang Shoucheng, I said I suspected very much, I told them I don't want to act like what they want us to act like, I wanted to be myself and ah Gill, actually she did have at that time little my idea in mind. Very strange, very many people think me to be optimistic, actually Ah Gill is more optimistic than me. She is a quite happy person actually, I thought that she happy is because her idea is quite simple, but I am want to be alot of things, bores tip of cows horn human.

  South: What at that time was ah Gill's opinion?

  Ah Sa: She thought that we have made three years, moreover the result is not bad, why give up? She encouraged me, afterward we agreed that we must achieve everybody, until no one accept our time would we then give up. She said we have along way to go was Ah Gill's reason.

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