
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ron Ng & Michael Miu Re-Film a scene due to Passer-Bys

Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEntertainmentUniverse
Source: Oriental Daily

Ron Ng & Michael Miu Re-Film a scene due to Passer-Bys

Ron Ng, Michael Miu, Michael Tse and others were filming on the streets for new series "The Academy Full Thurolle" at 8pm last night in Central Wellington Street, attracting many passer-bys. Because there were too many cameras flashing as the onlookers were taking pictures of them, the filming was interrupted and Michael Miu had to re-film the scene again.

When Ron Ng and Michael Miu were on the corner of the street waiting to start shooting, many young female fans approached them requesting to take pictures and sign autographs. As soon as Ron took the pictures with the fans, he quickly went to get ready to film a car scene, while Michael Miu asked the director to wait a bit so he can get familiar with the script more. They were all very professional.

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