
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Joe Ma’s Wild Drunken Photos Surface; Apologizes to Wife for Inconveniences

Friday December 2, 2011 Hong Kong
Credits: to Jayne @

Since involved in the harassment scandal with Rose Chan (陳嘉桓), Joe Ma’s (馬德鐘) negative news cropped up daily. After rumors that his marriage was failing, a mainland news source claimed that once again, he hugged a woman inappropriately after drinking too much. Regarding this, Joe indicated that the publication recycled an old incident to fabricate the news. Taking this opportunity to apologize to his wife, who was bothered by the media, Joe also announced that he intended to take a vacation with Mrs. Ma to “save” his marriage!

When Oriental Daily confronted Joe regarding the latest news that he got drunk and once again touched a woman inappropriately, Joe explained helplessly that the photos were taken many years ago. “The photos were taken at a celebratory dinner and we played very uninhibitedly. I got very drunk and had to be escorted out by a crew member. In the photograph was a [female] crew member and not an indecent woman. Afterward, I realized that it was improper to get so drunk.” Deeply reflecting upon the sequence of events that have occurred over the last week, Joe Ma decided to decrease his drinking and socializing habits.

Apologizes to Wife

Taking advantage of this opportunity to apologize to his wife, Joe said, “After the publication of recent tabloid news [of the harassment incident], a reporter sought out my wife at her work location. I hope the media cooperates and will not bother my wife!”

Admitting that his wife was upset over the recent scandal, Joe said, “Many people tried to contact and bother her. I hope she will forgive me! I will not go into the details; I hope the unhappy issues are will quickly pass!”

Rumors claimed that Joe will be joining a new company due to his recent scandal. Joe denied the allegations and noted that after completing his current current drama, he will be filming another series. Afterward, Joe and his wife will go on vacation together.

Yesterday’s media reports claimed that Rose had dated numerous men in the past, including Yang Pan Pan’s (楊盼盼) godson. Rose’s manager and mother, Ronnie, as well as Yang Pan Pan’s godson denied these allegations.

Source: Oriental Daily

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