
Monday, March 31, 2008

Raymond Lam: I Had Nothing to Do With Closing Down Sets For Disinfection

Credits: Serena @

Raymond Lam: I Had Nothing to Do With Closing Down Sets For Disinfection

Last night, Raymond was a guest performer at the SaSa Cosmetic soiree. A magazine article describes Raymond as a troublesome person. The article states that earlier when the flu was wreaking havoc and he wanted to avoid getting the flu when he was filming “HOG 2”. He called Virginia Lok to complain and request the sets be disinfected for his sake. Raymond expressed that he saw the article. He said: “Nonsense! The production department is in charge of the filming. It is a separate department from Ms Lok’s artiste department. The two aren’t related. The company cares for their artistes. Since we are filming day and night, everyone is having a hard time. Louise Li and Tavia Yeung had the cold. Chow Chung even lost his voice. The company wanted to film in HD which makes it more difficult on the artistes. So the company decided to shut down the set so the artistes can rest and they can disinfect the sets.” So he had nothing to do with it.

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