
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Niki Chow Looking Amazing in ancient costume for new series

Translated by: aZnangel
Source: Oriental Daily

Niki Chow and Adam Cheng are both part of the new mainland series 《書劍恩仇錄》 which is the first series that cost more than $30 million yuan for its production. Yesterday the press conference was held at a hotel. This is Niki's first time playing the role of "Fook Ching Tung" (霍青桐) , the director especially designed many different martial arts movements for her. Currently she is practicing horseback riding and the fighting movements every day. Because Niki originally really loves horses, she feels excited and happy.

Asked how she deals with practicing both horseback riding and martial arts movements at the same time? She says: "My personality in real life is very similar to Fook Ching Tung - both very tomboy. Also I have experience with dancing, can get familiar with it quickly."

Will there be a chance to collaborate with Kevin Cheng in this new series? Niki highly praises Adam Cheng: "I feel that Adam is amazing, at this age he still looks handsome, tall and charming, and also maintaining his appearance so well."

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