
Monday, March 31, 2008

Maggie Cheung Recovers from Illness and Goes Back to Work

Maggie Cheung Ho Yee is currently filming a real estate property program, 《更上一層樓》, for TVB. Maggie has to film 2-3 days each week for the program. Since she often visits luxury properties, she has benefited greatly from the experience.

Although joking that she can not afford to purchase a luxury house, Maggie said the 3 month filming experience made her extremely happy. Meeting an interior designer on the set, Maggie will utilize the designer's skills for future purposes.

What kind of dream house was Maggie looking for? Maggie said that the property should have a good front and back view, as well as views of the sky, mountains, and oceanside.

Did Maggie intend to move to the mountain peak? Maggie laughed and said that living at the base of the mountain will suffice. If her goal were the mountain peak, then she would have to work harder.

During the filming of the program, Maggie realized that Hong Kong's receding coastline was very unattractive. She hopes that the government will prohibit further coastline construction projects.

Maggie appeared to be quite thin and her face was a bit swollen. Maggie recovered from her thyroid illness and she no longer had to see the doctor and take prescription drugs.

Due to Maggie's recovery, will she be filming a television series soon? Maggie indicated that she has not filmed for a series yet. However if a good script were available, she will "risk her life" for it. She will also have to gauge TVB's sincerity in whether they will offer her a grand production or representative script.

Regarding her dating life, Maggie said she was only "romancing her work." Did Maggie have any pursuers? She smiled and said she went out with several men who met her criteria.

During Maggie's 2 year rest period, there were rumors that she was pregnant. "That's humorous! Congratulations then!" Maggie's younger sister gave birth to an adorable baby in November 2007. Since Maggie's dating life was uncertain at this point, [she will not be having children anytime soon]. Thus she will likely become the baby's godmother instead.

Will Maggie be able to handle a script with a sullen, intense script? She said she can handle it and clarified her illness was not a result of filming "Everlasting Regret" 《長恨歌》. Instead, Maggie's thyroid illness was a result of many years of work stress. Putting behind the past, she hopes to feel happier.

Source: Takungpao, Wenweipo
Credits : JayneStars

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