
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hacken blames himself for the death his dog and will miss beloved son when working overseas

Sources:, Oriental daily, Takung Pao, Wen Wei[translated by: Hianez]

Hacken blames himself for the death his dog and will miss beloved son when working overseas
March 14, 2008

Hacken blames himself for the death his dog

Hacken Lee, Eric Suen, Angela Tong and Kay Tse attended the Hang Seng Bank 75th Anniversary Special on the night before. Hacken revealed that he will be heading overseas for more than 10 days. “This is the first time I'm away for such a long time since Ryan’s birth. It feels sad to part but we still have to earn our living.” He also brought up the death of his beloved dog which he has kept for more than 10 years. This has saddened him a lot. “It’s my fault. I was busy with my concert as well as taking care of Ryan. I’m deeply sorry that I’ve neglected it. There are 4 more dogs in my house currently and I have decided not to add any more.”

Working overseas, Hacken Lee misses beloved son

On the same night, Hacken also attended JSG. As he had to change his appearance for both shows, it was a hectic day for him. Adding on, he said that his dog died a week ago due to Pleural effusion. It was too late when he discovered there is something wrong with his dog. There was nothing they could do but euthanasia, and Hacken feels guilty about it. Seeing the doctors ‘send his dog away’ felt like he was murdering his own dog but he was not in a position to control it. Moreover, this is the second time he is facing the death of his dogs. 2 of his dogs at home are more than 10 years old.

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