
Sunday, May 4, 2008

More about Sammul and his opinions of his fellow TVB siusangs

Translation: reiyi and ling gan
Source: Yes Magazine (

Wild Comparison of the Four Siu Sangs
Sammul Chan recently just finished filming , and is busy filming now. Sammul, again, has to wear the police uniform for the series. It is really obvious that Sammul often acts as a professional, or a character that has to wear a uniform like a policeman in , a pilot in , and a lawyer in Survivor's Law. Even he himself also said laughingly, "Maybe the viewers like to see me wearing those seductive uniforms!?"

Quite Profound Roles
Sammul revealed that he is very happy that he can join the third installment of , because he will work with the same, familiar people. "I can collaborate again with "San Ge" (Michael Miu), with my favorite actress, Kathy Chow, also last but not least, Ron Ng. I've collaborated with Ron Ng in filming these series for three times, and we are really familiar with each other so the collaboration has been so much fun. The happiest thing this year is that we are filming earlier than we did with the previous two installments. We used to film in July or August and those times were such sweltering days! We had to film the marching scenes, and had to wear the complete equipments with the uniforms, thus we were all getting dizzy because of the heat. This time we film before summer, so it is much more comfortable!"

Comments on 4 Big Upcoming 'Siu Sang'
Sammul has been a TVB siu sang for a couple of years and (I've) also read many news about him. Most people feel that, although Sammul didn't sign with TVB, he still gets to play lead roles in series so his situation is already pretty good. But, there is also another POV that says it's because Sammul didn't sign with TVB so he will not be included in big budget series like 'Heart of Greed', and thus his chances of becoming famous become less.

If (I) ask him to talk about 'the advantages/disadvantages of being a non-TVB actor', (I) believe not many will be interested to know. Instead, (readers) would most likely want to know about how he sees the 'siu sangs' who came out at the same time with him or the current popular 'siu sangs'. Has he compared himself with them?

Ron Ng in the eyes of Sammul
'After entering this industry for so long, Ron can be considered as the most playful artist friend. Filming with him is very joyful because he has many mischievous ideas and very energetic! During filming, when there is time out period, he might not necessarily rest. Instead, he will think of some nonsense games for everyone to play together. He's quite a big kid, so he will always bring happiness to people around him!'

Raymond Lam in the eyes of Sammul
Raymond Lam looks very cool, but in actual fact he likes to joke. Filming 'Survivor's Law' and 'The Four' with him, I find him to be a hardworking person who takes his work very seriously.'

Kenneth Ma in the eyes of Sammul
While filming 'The Four', there were rumours that I was one of the people who boycotted him. There was no such thing! I have quite a lot of things to chat with him. He looks proper, but in reality, he's the opposite. He looks quiet, but can actually talks a lot. A lot of crew members also like to interact with him. He has good interpersonal relationships.

Bosco Wong in the eyes of Sammul
'Bosco is a very nice person. He might not be a person who is always playing gag (I think he means always joking), but talking with him is very confortable. He has a great sense of humor. Although I don't work with him a lot, I have watched his series. He is a very versatile actor.'

Have Done Comparison in the Heart Before
They came out at the same time and are round the same ages. It's unavoidable that outsiders will put them together and do comparison. Even Sammul himself has done the comparison before. 'During the time of 'Triumph in the Skies', when everyone was calling us S4, I did do the comparison in my heart! I was young at that time. But, now that I have matured, I don't think like that anymore, because everyone has different opportunities and fate. I need to do my best first! Actually, people in the same line of work is like opposing countries. If we can become good colleagues and good friends, I will cherish them very much. Outsiders always say I only get along with people on the surface but not in the heart. In actual fact, there is no such thing. If I really don't get along with so many people, who else will still want to work with me?'

Winning on Image
Even if we're not doing any comparison, we still will know, what are our winning points if we want to survive in this industry. 'I feel that my image is positive and healthy. Being in the industry for so long, other than the baseless rumours of me not getting along with others and my being gay, I've never been photographed doing anything improper. I value my work greatly and would not want to get negative news because of my work. I do not want to upset my family. So, I always keep myself from doing anything wrong. Honestly, I really want to praise myself. After entering the industry for 10 years, I still haven't turned bad! Ha ha.'

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