
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kate Tsui has a Marilyn Monroe Moment

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: kingkongit27 @

Dodo Cheng, Nancy Sit and many TVB actors attended an Olympics flame Welcome event. Moses Chan, Bosco Wong, Fala Chen and Tavia Yeung etc were asked to sing but they gave a bad performance as they forgot the words and sang in the wrong keys. Perhaps it was because there was alot of chaos due to the crowds of people in the audience. Dodo Cheng was seen very annoyed and often pointed at the actors to stop making mistakes and singing out of tune. Later on she admitted that she was quite angry due to not having enough time for rehearsals and the bad rain conditions.

Kate Tsui who attended the opening show event last night caused alot of attention. While she was singing a sudden strong breeze blew her dress up revealing red pants. At that moment she was seen holding down her dress just like the famous pose by Marilyn Monroe. Kate was very embarrassed and ran behind the scenery. Afterwards Kate claimed she had wore shorts underneath and apologised for any disturbance it may have caused. There were netizens that made jokes out of the incident by saying Kate must love her country as her pants are red like the flag.

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