
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bosco Wong Appears on "Strictly Come Dancing", Tells Kevin Cheng to "Go Back to Hong Kong"

Kevin Cheng and Myolie Wu were paired as a couple on the dance competition show "Strictly Come Dancing." During the show, a clip was shown of Kevin & Myolie preparing for their dance routine.

Suddenly Bosco appeared in the clip, posing a challenge to Kevin, Bosco said "Kevin, can you really lift up Myolie? Be careful not to drop her, if you drop her, I will replace you in the show. I request that we do a swap, Kevin, go back to Hong Kong, let me come!"

Kevin answered back to Bosco's challenge, saying "Replace me? When I'm here, there won't be you."

After the dance performance, Myolie stared into Kevin's eyes and said, "Kevin, I love you!"

View Kevin & Myolie's performance:

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