
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adam Cheng: Waiting for Leave Break; Don't Know if Going to Funeral

Credit: Serena @
Source: Mingpao, Takungpao

Adam Cheng: Need to Wait Before Taking Leave; Unknown About Attending Lydia Shum’s Funeral

Lydia Shum passed away and ex-husband Adam Cheng has been filming a TV series. He appeared extremely low-profiled since Lydia’s death. He would avoid questions by reporters. Even though Joyce Cheng has been surrounded by caring people, they are unsatisfied with the thought that a young teenage girl needs to bear the lost of her mother without her father. The support of a father is very important. Yesterday, Florence Su-Fen Chan publicly expressed that she hopes Adam would at least call Joyce and comfort her. Adam has been criticized for not accompanying his daughter’s side. People could not understand why he is caring about Lydia’s death and Joyce. Many netizens are asking: “Adam Cheng, where are you?”

Adam finally appeared at a hotel. Yesterday, “Scoop” broadcasted their hosts chasing Adam for an interview. Adam changed his attitude and somewhat slowed down to accept the interview. Did you call Joyce? Adam expressed that he called his daughter to console her. The reporter mentioned that Joyce would be returning to Canada for Lydia’s funeral and asked if he would be going to Canada to see Lydia for the last time. He said that he needed to see if he could take those days off. He needs to wait for Joyce’s notice about it but he hasn’t heard back yet. Would you be returning to Hong Kong? He said he needed to wait for Joyce’s response. Were you mentioned in Lydia’s obituary? Adam only said: “Oh.” But he didn’t respond to the question.

Adam’s assistant told the reporters that Adam called Joyce immediately when he found out. He needed Joyce to give him a notice about the funeral before he can take asks for those days off.

Yesterday, there were debates about Adam on different forums. Some people believed that Adam was afraid of his current wife (官晶華) so he didn’t appear supportive or care for Joyce. Some people dug into the past and mentioned that he left Lydia and their infant daughter for another woman. But Adam has supporters who understand his situation. They feel that if he returned to Hong Kong, he would be the target of Lydia’s friends. Netizens follow closely of any information about Lydia. Yesterday, the two hosts of “Scoop”, Zac Kao and Derek Lee, made mistakes which was caught and scolded by netizens. Zac accidentally said “Dead Jie” instead of “Fei Jie”. Derek mistakenly said Lydia’s mother name instead when he was talking about Lydia’s funeral arrangement. Netizens went to online to talk about it on forums.

Lydia’s body would return to Vancouver and be buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Hong Kong audience would be able to see Lydia’s funeral and burial. According to sources, TVB’s executive 何麗全 have arrived in Vancouver. He would lead the team to videotape the funeral and burial in Vancouver. The local memorial functions would be taped as well. After editing, it would be broadcasted on March 2, at the Hong Kong Coliseum which would host the memorial services. Lydia’s funeral arrangement and date were not publicly announced. There are rumors that her body would arrive on February 24. But it is unknown if Adam would be there.

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