
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Adam Cheng Absent from Lydia Shum's Funeral

Since the death of Lydia Shum Din Ha earlier this week, ex-husband, Adam Cheng Siu Chau's reaction has been publicly scrutinized. Through Adam's assistant, it was revealed that he intended to attend Lydia's funeral in Vancouver, Canada. However, due to daughter, Joyce Cheng Yan Yee's wishes, Adam will not appear at Lydia's funeral after all.

Currently filming 《書劍恩仇錄》in Hengdian, China, Adam will instead attend Lydia's memorial service in Hong Kong at a later date.

While married to Lydia, Adam had an affair, Koon Ching Wah, who is his current wife. Adam and Lydia divorced on bad terms in 1987. Realizing that Adam may be criticized by Lydia's family and relatives at the funeral in Canada, Joyce advised him not to attend the service. Joyce knew that Adam will likely face an emotionally awkward situation if he attended.

Allegedly, Joyce told Adam that too many people wanted to attend Lydia's funeral in Vancouver. The attendee list was already full and the security guards will not allow anyone who was not on the list to enter the ceremony. As Lydia's ex-husband, Adam should have been placed on the attendee list. However, it was Joyce's ploy to prevent potential awkwardness for her father.

Between the time that Lydia's illness took a sharp nose-dive and her death, Adam did not express [any concern]. This angered Lydia's relatives. Chan Suk Fan also indicated that Joyce did not receive any calls from Adam during Lydia's last days. Thus, Lydia's relatives decided to exclude Adam from the funeral attendee list.

Since Lydia's death on February 19th, Adam avidly avoided the press. Adam's assistant explained that he was truly busy filming in China. He had a long filming schedule as each scene required his presence and the dialogue was long. Thus he did not have any time to return press calls. Adam's assistant asked for forgiveness.

The production crew of 《書劍恩仇錄》indicated that Adam requested vacation time during two periods. He requested 4 days off this week and another 4 days in early March. Apparently, Adam intends to appear at Lydia's memorial service in Hong Kong, which will be held in March.

The funeral site for Lydia was changed last minute to accommodate the attendance of over 400 guests. In attendance will be the 30 people that worked with Lydia while she filmed in Singapore, as well as her friends from Taiwan and Canada.

Since Lydia immigrated to Vancouver for several years, she established good connections with government officials, who praised Lydia for her contribution. The Mayor of Vancouver, Sam Sullivan, indicated that he was very good friends with Lydia and admired her performance talents. Thus he will issue a public statement on Tuesday as a tribute to Lydia.

According to a reliable source, Lydia's funeral will be held on Wednesday, February 27th at 10 AM. On Friday, February 29th a Chinese community association will hold a memorial service for her in Vancouver as well.

Source: Orientaldaily
Credits: Jayne

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