
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Esther Kwan & Anita Yuen Bring Kids to See Show

Children's theater program, "Jack and the Beanstalk" has been playing in Hong Kong. Numerous celebrity parents brought their children to watch the show. At yesterday's performance, Esther Kwan, Nick Cheung Ka Fai, Anita Yuen Wing Yee, Wong Pui Ha, Carol Yeung Ling, Kei Kei, Mimi Kung Chi Yan and Hong Chi Lei were spotted in attendance.

Esther indicated that her daughter, Brittany, already saw "Jack and the Beanstalk" last year. Since Brittany enjoyed the show previously, Esther decided to bring her again.

Brittany is currently 2 years old. Esther revealed that she provided Brittany with English instruction and brought her to children's playgroups. Did Esther spend a lot of money in raising Brittany? Dependent upon Brittany's interests and skills, Esther will focus on developing those areas.

Allegedly, it cost $4 million (HKD) to raise a child. Esther laughed and said she did not calculate the costs. However, she believed the figure was overstated and that it did not cost that much to raise a child. However, if Brittany required certain professional instruction, Esther does not mind in paying for the fees. If Brittany does well in school, she might receive government aid in her education.

Esther invested in a fund to assist in paying for Brittany's future education. Due to inflation and that it was difficult to predict their future financial situation and inflation, Esther believed it was best to plan for the future.

Anita Yeun Said Son Lacks Patience

Anita Yuen revealed that her son, Morton, is currently 15 months old. Concerned that Morton would be unable to sit still to watch the entire show, Anita brought an ample supply of snacks. Since Morton is quite rambunctious, the family often sit in a private room when they dine out to avoid disturbing others. Morton's personality is similar to Anita's in lacking patience.

Due to the recent exposure of Edison Chen's sex photos, did Anita consider how she will discuss such matters with Morton [in the future]? Reading various children's psychology books, Anita said she will be able to discuss these matters with him appropriately.

Siu Fong Fong indicated that the sex photo scandal was a prime opportunity for parents to educate their children properly. Anita agreed and noted that some of her friends intend to reserve the topic for future discussion with their grown children.

However, Anita will not save the sex photo topic for future discussion with Morton. Times will change and the topic may no longer be appropriate.

In raising children, Anita felt that the most important lesson was to teach them how to protect themselves.

Source: Takungpao

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