
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jimmy Lin credits Cecilia Cheung as a born race car driver

Translation by l_coco@ source: Mingpao

Jimmy Lin has dual roles as actor and racing technical advisor in the movie Speed Angels. He taught Cecilia Cheung, Tang Wei, and Rene Liu racing skills a month before filming started. Jimmy credited Cecilia as a born race car driver. Tang Wei picks it up very fast and Rene Liu emphasizes practical skills and studies the details. Their driving styles are like their characters.

When Speed Angels was still on the drawing board director Jingle Ma wanted Jimmy Lin to get involved. The once “Asian Little Whirlwind” is the first professional race car driver among Chinese actors and has won numerous international racing trophies. In the beginning Jingle Ma only hired Jimmy as the technical advisor and racing coach for the three actresses. By the time filming started Director Ma realized it was a waste of Jimmy’s talents to put him behind the scenes so he offered Jimmy the role of the racing coach in the movie. Jimmy was busy racing and didn’t appear on the big screens in the past 6 years. He accepted the offer wholeheartedly and said Director Ma is a very good businessman to hit two birds with one stone.

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