
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sammul Chan flaunts muscles to woo the TA3 girl

Translation: cherishheart
Source: 快周刊-Express Weekly

Sammul, who is normally very 'cool' towards female artists, took the initiative to chat with KaKei and made her laugh, an unusual and unexpected scene.

During the actual filming, both of them were very into the act, Sammul even kept showing off his muscles in front of Kakei, a scene which makes one 'wow'.

Kakei followed Sammul around the pool side by side, she seemed to have good feelings towards Sammul.

Sammul Chan has always been an ‘insulator’ to rumours, he only has ‘not on good terms’ news with his female co-stars. Last year when he filmed Survival Law II, Ella Koon sarcastically implied that Sammul ‘does not know how to make sexual advances to females’, no wonder his sexual orientation is being questioned.

Earlier on, Sammul Chan and Leung Kakei filmed a water scene for TA3. As seen by reporters, Sammul, who has always been a ‘gals phobic’, turned 180 degrees on that day, besides laughing and chatting with his co-star, he also kept flaunting his muscles to woo her, it was quite an extraordinary scene.

Sammul filmed all 3 installments of The Academy, but his co-star gets weaker and weaker, after Fiona Sit in the first installment and Sonija Kwok in the second installment, this third installment is Leung KaKei, who is not at all known and has zero filming experience. According to sources, KaKei’s character was originally offered to Annie Liu, but she used the excuse of ‘schedule doesn’t fit’ to decline. Since TA3 was about to start filming, in the end, Leung KaKei became the substitute.

Turn over to woo girl
Last Sunday, TA3 filmed a water scene in Kwai Chung indoor swimming pool. The scene was about KaKei, who doesn’t know how to swim, asked Sammul to teach her. For the sake of this scene, Sammul started to keep fit two months ago. Besides Thai boxing every day, he also went on diet, after all the tough training, his body is in top shape. As seen on that day, the topless Sammul displayed a body of muscles, which when compared to the ordinary-figured and one-piece-swimsuit KaKei, was much more eye-catching.

There were earlier reports that said that Sammul despised KaKei for being too ‘unknown’, therefore keep giving KaKei a hard time during filming. However, from what reporters saw on that day, Sammul not only did not give KaKei a cold shoulder, but on the contrary he kept close to Kakei, even tried to show off his muscles in front of her, obviously wish to woo girl with his big-built. Kakei, a first timer in filming TV series, of course gladly accept the care showered upon her.

Sexual orientation questionable
As observed by the reporters, while waiting for the actual filming, Sammul and Kakei would sit side by side and chat. When the actual filming in the water started, he became very excited, which is quite extraordinary. Compared to his ‘gals phobia’ behaviour in the past, Sammul was like two different persons.

In fact, Sammul has always been an ‘insulator’ to rumours. He only has ‘not on good terms’ news with his female co-stars, therefore his sexual orientation is often being questioned.

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