
Monday, April 21, 2008

Leila Tong chases after her 2 crazy dogs

translation by: mars123cc
Leila Tong has always had a huge loving and caring heart. Although she has four dogs in her house, but that has not made her a professional dog trainer. The other day when she was taking her big and little dogs out for a walk, two of them suddenly lost control, creating a huge scene with the little dog chasing the bigger one. Leila had to immediately start chasing the dogs while calling a friend for help.

Earlier Leila was dressed casually with her glasses driving her Audi to take her dogs for a walk in the park. Although Leila has already many years of experience with dogs, but two of her beloved dogs just wouldn’t listen. One of the big dogs got hyper in the car before even Leila stopped the car. While Leila was trying to park, it happily jumped in the front seat with its owner, causing Leila to spend 10 minutes to finally park the car. After getting of the car, her little dog was jumping all around while the big dog got grumpy and didn’t want to move. Including all the cars that were going in and out of the park, the small sized Leila had to be aware of the oncoming traffic while being stuck between two of her dogs.

Suddenly, Leila’s little dog started running towards the road, at the same time her big dog also started to “escape”. They became uncontrollable and started running all around. Leila didn’t care about onlookers’ views also running calling out her dogs’ names while calling a friend for help. After a while, her friend finally came to the rescue and helped Leila “catch” her dogs. Afterwards, Leila brought her dogs to her friend’s pet beauty salon to play for a while, but when she was playing with her dogs she accidently lost a sandal. To prevent another “dog chase”, Leila had to jump back like a chicken to get her sandal, but she lost her balance and tripped.

Leila told reporters that she will be out of the pet beauty salon after around thirty minutes. But she stayed for a total of three to four hours before she left! The manager of the store said that Leila often brings her dogs for beauty treatments while learning how to take care of dogs herself such as bathing them and brushing their hair, so Leila often times spends about 3-4 hours there. Store workers also said that Leila always intently listens to what they have to say, proving that she really loves her dogs.

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