
Monday, April 21, 2008

Bernice Liu Worried to do "S" Figure to her Right Side

Translated by: aZnangel @
Source: The Sun

Healthy image and natural beauty Bernice Liu attracted casual jeans brand Levi's attention and became the first Hong Kong spokesperson for the new "Levi's Lady Style". Earlier Bernice shot promotional photos for the brand. In order to convey Levi's gold label, Bernice needed to bend her waist 80 degrees, posing in a S figure. Having a dance background, she said it was not a challenge. But, she feels that her left side is better looking, but in order to match up with the jeans, she needed to pose on her right side. At first she was worried that the results would not turn out good. But in the end it was good, it was then that Bernice felt more calm.

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