
Thursday, April 24, 2008

2008 Highest Rating TVB Series - D.I.E

Translated by: aZnangel @ Asian EU
Source: Mingpao

TVB Series "D.I.E" last Friday broadcast its finale, that night the ratings peaked at 44 points (approximately 2.27 million viewers), average ratings were 41 points (approximately 2.58 million viewers); D.I.E becomes this year's top rated series. Of the highest rating series, "D.I.E" although did not beat "Heart of Greed" record, ratings of 48 points, but "D.I.E" whole 25 episodes series averaged around 34 points (approximately 2.14 million viewers), breaking the 2 year record of "La Femme Desperado" (Year 2006's average rating of whole series - 33 points record).

Did not beat "Heart of Greed" 48 points record
Yesterday two rating reports were released, TVB's Department of Foreign Affairs Director Tsang Sing Ming said that "D.I.E" last week of broadcast (Monday-Friday) average at 37 points, Friday night, the finale received high ratings as well reaching 41 points, peaking at 44 points; At the moment it is 2008's highest rating series.

Roger Kwok: Willing to "Die" for audience
Roger brings TVB's highest rating series, from "Square Pegs" to "Life Made Simple" to "D.I.E" all received high ratings. Yesterday when Roger learned that DIE received 44 points for its finale, he was so happy and said: "Well Done!" But on TVB's side, they have not arranged a celebration yet, he smiled and said too bad "no rice to eat". Regarding to the Gag alternative ending for the series, audience were unsatisfied, they feel that the original ending of Yue Sir (Roger Kwok) one life trade for another life was better. Roger said that he likes the original ending, he said: "I rather just die!" He felt that the alternative ending was just okay, but the most important is that audience's feelings, if they like it than thats more important. Also said that if Yue Sir didn't die, there could be a sequel? He rather Yue Sir die, there can still be another story in the sequel.

D.I.E's producer Cheung Kon Man said that TVB has not arrange any celebration yet, the crew will go out for tea for celebration. Regarding that there were audience that complained doing the Gag alternative happy ending ruined the series. He said that the happy ending was just for fun, everyone watched it with happiness. If audience demand to view the "original" ending, it can be arranged. As for if there will be a sequel? He said that at the moment he does not plan to.

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