
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yoyo Chen admits she is 3 months pregnant

Tuesday December 6, 2011 Hong Kong
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @

Vincent Wong and Yoyo Chen were married on November 11th, and had always been rumored that they had a 'shotgun marriage' (married with a child). Yesterday Yoyo attended the press conference for skincare brand HANSKIN and finally admitted she is 3 months pregnant. She reveals she is now 3 months pregnant and is comfortable to announce the good news. Yoyo said: "We already dated for 6 years and wanted a baby all along. So, when we were preparing for our wedding, we didn't use contraception and in between we found out we conceived. We happily accepted." Asked if she likes a boy or a girl? She expressed it does not matter, most important is good health. She expressed she hopes to have two children.

Yoyo expressed in the initial stages of her pregnancy, she felt unwell and had a change in appetite. So far, she has only gained 1-2 pounds and there is a change in her upper body. Asked if her husband Vincent gave her a gift yet? Yoyo smiled sweetly: "He has always loved me and has now increased his attentiveness." Yesterday Yoyo was being very careful the entire time, but for beauty, she still wore 3-inch heels to the event. She expressed it's fine to wear heels for a while.

When speaking of Vincent's rumors with lengmo Cammi, Yoyo said: "We never cared for that rumor. We also didn't read that news." As for the rumor that she had a 'shotgun marriage' because of her pregnancy? She laughed: "Perhaps writing it this way is more worth reading, I don't mind nonsense news, it doesn't not affect me much."

Yesterday afternoon, after she completed the event, Yoyo changed into comfortable clothing and departed with her husband for their honeymoon. She even uploaded a picture of them in the cabin to show off their love.

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