
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Torch Bearers Hold Press Conference: Pouty Eason Chan Loses Good Spot to Leo Ku

Yesterday, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong publicly announced the 120 torch bearers for Hong Kong at the Regal Hongkong Hotel in Causeway Bay. The artistes who would be torch bearers include: Eason Chan, Leo Ku, Kelly Chen, Jackie Cheung, Andy Lau, Alex Fong, Liza Wang and others. All the artistes were in attendance except for Andy who was in Beijing. The group of artistes and other torch bearers arrived at the hotel early. The torch bearers were not required to attend the press conference. In the end, only Leo and Eason went to the press conference. Those two have been at war with each other over awards all year long. The location of the press conference was small and there were a lot of people so it became chaotic. The press conference was not organized and there were no specific spots for the torch bearers to stand (for pictures). Leo was successful in finding a good spot right in the middle. The organizers and speakers also asked Leo to share his feelings. Eason was late in arrival so he was forced to stand to one side. He was standing around the entire time. “Mr. Most Popular Singer” was left out in the cold. No wonder Eason showed a bored look. He was pouting.

After the press conference, Eason left in a hurry. Reporters phoned him and asked why he was bored during the press conference. Eason clarified that he wasn’t unhappy and he was actually very excited. He is looking forward for May 2nd to come. Why were you sulking? Eason said: “There were a lot of people in there. I unconsciously pouted.”

On the other hand, Leo was able to speak at the conference and he appeared to be jumping for joy. He stayed until he completed all the interviews before leaving. He indicated a relaxed and joyful mood is most important when relaying the flame. He also said that he was familiar of Nathan Road in the Tsim Sha Tsui area. You get to keep the torch after you have completed the flame transportation. Leo made it known that getting the torch was more important than any award. His parents want to witness this important moment so they are making special arrangements to return to Hong Kong. Leo wanted to run the Shatin area relay. Do you feel you lost out? Leo said: “Nope. Any area will be a part of Hong Kong. I feel honoured and ecstatic.”

Kelly said her relay number was 007. Alex will pass the torch to her and she will run 200 metres near the mosque in Nathan Road of Tsim Sha Tsui. She will have half an hour to complete the run and then pass the flame to Leo. She admitted that it was her glory to be a torch bearer. She revealed the organizer showed them the poses to receive and pass on the flame and their running speeds. The organizers will give them the appropriate athletic suits on that day. She joked that she will look bad when she tucks her shirt into the jogging pants. Kelly said: “There were people who did demonstrations. We can’t jog too fast or slow. It was simple, too simple! Most importantly, we have to keep a smile and wave to the crowd. Maybe I would do a few dance steps!” Relaying the Olympic flame is an important task; is there any pressure? She said: “No. Leo and Alex will be there with me. They are smart guys. I don’t have any pressure. (“Did you invite your family to come watch?”) I won’t. There will be too many people. They can watch it on TV. I would invite my fans to come instead.” Kelly isn’t worried that it would be a chaotic day. She is not worried that someone will try to snatch the flame. She said: “Hong Kong is peaceful. There will be a lot of people that day. They won’t get to me. I won’t be that lucky to have someone snatching my torch!”

Andy, who is in Beijing, will be running the fourth position in the relay. He will be the first artiste relay the Olympic flame. He said: “It is an historical moment for China to hold the Olympics. It is an honour to be able to be a torch bearer.” Jackie will run the Wan Tsai section going to the Golden Bauhinia Square. He expressed that he was excited to represent Hong Kong in the Olympic flame transportation. He said that he exercises each day so it won’t be a problem to run 200 metres.

source: mingpao
Translations: asiangossip

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