
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Raymond Lam tipped to become TV King, doesn’t hurt brotherly friendship

Credit: The Sun
Translated by:

Raymond & Moses became good friends because of filming “Heart of Greed”. In HOG 2, they will portray brothers. It seems their relationship on and off screen are close too, Raymond laughs and says Moses looks like he’s shy, but he can be quite talkative. “Maybe we’re quite compatible, I can talk about anything with him, everything include boys, girls, eating and playing. Plus we both like to play video games, we meet and talk about gaming strategies!” About the reports saying TVB is promoting him to become TV King and arranged Moses to die in HOG 2, while he will be the lead actor from start to finish, he said, “Can’t be that good? Of course not! (Are you afraid that these rumours will affect your friendship with Moses?) We’re good brothers, how can these things affect us?”

When speaking about pairing up with rumoured girlfriend Linda Chung again, he laughs and says he’s not worried that this will cause more rumours. “Don’t mind! This means the screen couple image is successful! Maybe this will attract some advertisers asking us to promote as a team, why not?”

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