
Monday, May 12, 2008

Joey dances. William: "I'm out of breath"

EEG senior artist Joey Yung attended the orphanage fund raising event,《 星 光 熠 熠 耀 保 良 》yesterday along with artists such as Yumiko Cheng, Vincy Chan and William Chan. Other artists included Emme Wong and Korean star Nara Jang. There was hot music and dancing during the event with Joey "maxing out" her skills with William. During the opening ceremony, William expressed that he was quite embarrassed during practice as one of the dancing moves involved Joey completely lying on him.

"I am very privileged to have a chance in dancing with Joey, but during those 8 minutes I completely ran out of breath!!! Joey just kept on dancing faster and faster, she is so good, so good! ( 好 勁 !).

(Were there any intimate dancing moves?)
"Well since it was dancing, there surely has to be some body contact, but one move included her competely lying on me!"

(So was it embarrasing?)
"Well yes it was actually! But since Joey didn't mind I should really mind either."

When asking Yumiko about the overall event, she said, "I haven't been this exhausting for ages, and I even had a lack of sleep yesterday. I was mimicing my moves till 7 this morning! There was originally a move that involved me repeatedly standing up and lying down, but after a day my feet was totally aching all over and gave up in the end."

Yumiko's dress was also designed to be very sexy, specially tailored just for her. She also commented that Vincy's dancing was good for a newcomer, and could go on improving.

Credits: Oriental Daily
Translated: Dengero @ JoeyGalaxy

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