
Friday, May 9, 2008

Esther Kwan Plans for another Baby

Translated by: aZnangel @
Source: Mingpao

Esther Kwan Plans for another Baby

Earlier Esther Kwan withdrew from filming for TVB's "Best Selling Secrets", there were rumors that she is pregnant again and wants to focus on her pregnancy. Yesterday she attended an event at the mall of Tseung Kwan O, 「甜心寶寶嘉年華」. It appears that her body figure has not changed. She said that she and her husband Nick Cheung plans to have another baby, but currently is not healthy enough to do so. She has been taking nutrition pills to increase the nutrition in her body. But has not gotten good results, all this will just have to see how fate arranges, she said: "I want my daughter to have company, besides parents, let her have brother and sister relationships."

Although Esther has withdrew from "Best", but she congratulates the cast and crew for having the sequel. There has been reports that she brought a new house, asked if her husband's burdens increased? She smiled: "Don't want to talk about it."

------- Additional New relating to this article -------------
Translation by: ANIME MASTER 179002 @ Esther's Realm
Source: Mingpao, Takungpao

Esther Kwan Wing-Ho is prepared to become a mother again, plus she wants to spend more time with Brittany, thus she decided to stop her work and make the necessary preparations. When discussing sitcom Best Selling Secrets, Esther congratulations the team for the series' success and is happy that the entire cast will reunite for a new sitcom. Is Esther going to step out of the entertainment circle for good? Esther says, "We'll see how the script is and how my time management goes, if all is manageable I will help TVB." Esther reveals that Brittany have started school and is very rebellious. Recent many children are not feeling well, making the school a hazardous zone. Esther worries about Brittany's health and future, she says, "Have to give her more care and love, so that even if she does something wrong, she can come to me for assistance." As with news regarding Esther purchasing the twenty-three million dollar new house, Esther expresses no comment.

Translation by: ANIME MASTER 179002 @ Esther's Realm
Source: Oriental Daily

Best Selling Secrets Sequel; Best Selling Secrets will Discontinue after Olympics

Following the sequel of Heart of Greed where "the same cast reunite for a new story", cast of TVB's sitcom Best Selling Secrets will appear in a new sitcom in September. Sources report that Best Selling Secrets will stop airing for one month due to the Olympics; the producers are afraid that the audience will be forgetful, thus they've decided to stop Best Selling Secrets before the Olympics and start a new sitcom starring the same cast of Best Selling Secrets. The new sitcom will also be based on office politics and family relationships, this make the popularity of the cast can be maintained while it can also give the audience a new refreshing feeling. In response to the rumor, producer Law says, "This is only a very early stage, we're still working on the concept for the new sitcom. (Will you invite Esther Kwan for the new sitcom?) Of course I want her back, but we'll still have to respect her decision and will." Best Selling Secrets cast Alvina Kong (aka Elvina Kong), Wong Cho Lam, and Yoyo Chen are all anticipating the new sitcom and the sparks that will be created with their reunion.

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