
Friday, May 9, 2008

Damian Lau Taunts Housewife Idy Chan

Yesterday Joe Ma and Fala Chen were at Olympian City to promote TVB series “Catch Me Now”. Damian Lau and Idy Chan are not in Hong Kong but they phoned-in to support the promotional event. A magazine reports that Damian is unhappy about Idy staying away so he is boycotting the promotional work too. It turns out they are continuing their beef publicly and via phone-in. Damian was asked about Idy’s performance in the series. He responded: “Very good. She is exactly like a housewife if she needs to be a housewife. It is very believable.” Idy points out her friends praised Damian for being handsome and young. She hopes that he can preserve his looks. It is obvious there are “bones” in their words.

Joe expressed that there are three endings for “Catch Me Now”. Damian will either dies, lives or turns into a vegetative state in each of those endings. Joe said: “I believe the ending in which Damian dies is the best. The audience will remember it more.” Fala is busy filming “HOG 2” lately. The “HOG 2” casts are taking turns getting sick. A body double is used for filming parts of Fala’s scenes. Afterwards, Fala’s head will be cut and pasted in. She said: “The only good thing is that we don’t need to shut down the set to sanitize it.”

source: mingpao
Translations: asian gossip

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