
Sunday, May 11, 2008

"Catch Me Now" Cast Celebrates; Sexy Koni Lui Steals the Spotlight

Translated by: aZnangel @
Source: Wenweipo, Takungpao, The Sun

TVB's New Series "Catch Me Now" although male and female lead Damien Lau and Idy Chan were unable to attend the promotional event, but did not ruin the ratings for last week, last week's highest rating was 36 points. Yesterday the few cast members including Joe Ma, Koni Lui, Aimee Chan, Johnson Lee, Evergreen Mak and etc were present for a celebration party. The behind the scenes crew and workers were also invited to eat and celebrate. The two main leads who has been absent Damien and Idy were responsible for getting the gifts and awards for everyone. Present in the promotional event and whose working hard, "Long Leg Crab" Koni Lui, yesterday once again was in deep V to strengthen the promotion.

Denies loving Male Model
Just returned from Malaysia to Hong Kong, Koni Lui expresses that earlier she agreed to treat a meal. As for Fala Chen yesterday was absent from the party, is it because she is afraid that her spotlight might get stolen? She smiles and said that it has nothing to do with that, she is not sure why Fala didn't come. She feels that Fala's figure is very good and definitely is not scared of her. Lately there has been reports that Koni Lui and male model Dickson were photographed together in a car being intimate and are living together. Koni explains that, that night they were just having dinner together because he knew that she did not get enough sleep, so he also send her home. She also denies that they are living together, currently she is single, they are all just friends, but she does want to date. Will Dickson mind if she dress sexily?

Also Joe Ma is satisfied with the ratings, he smiled if the ratings continue to rise, he would treat everyone to another meal as a gift. Speaking of Damien and Idy always absent from the promotional events, Joe said that they are busy, but actually each time they know there is promotion, they would call and ask how everything is going. Like yesterday they gave out gifts, they have good hearts.

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