
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Shirley 'Sweeps' Australia’s Fish Markets

Translated by: Sammy@ + Blue_Angel12 @

Earlier this year, Shirley Yeung went to Sydney for a TVBI Advertisement Awards Ceremony to perform. Although she stayed for only 3 days and 2 nights, she insisted to take time off and see her fans. She said "I was very happy to see so many fans! There was a female supporter who was very kind, she has been helping me update an English site, and translating news from English to Chinese so that the rest of the world will know me, so I must thank her!" Huge fans of Shirley know her very well and so a lot of thought has been put in the presents they give her. "She knew I was afraid of the cold so she specially gave me an insulating mug with my picture on it! They really have a heart!"

Knowing that Shirley loved to eat, when she was in Sydney she went to the fish markets and she really liked it: "The fish markets there have everything, they have lobsters, prawns, tons of fish and they were all really fresh. In Hong Kong you definitely cannot find this kind of food!"

Also, Shirley's new series "The Silver Chambers Of Sorrow" will be released soon. She has confidence that it will do really well, and she even said she hopes to film a sequel! "Nancy Sit really lightened everybody up as she was really entertaining, so there has to be sequel!"

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