
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Niki Chow Compliments “Mainland China’s Version of Kevin Cheng”

Credits: Serena @

Niki Chow is currently filming TV series “The Sword and the Book” in Hengdian for many months. There are rumours that she is developing a love relationship with “Mainland China’s version of Kevin Cheng”, Qiao Zhen Yu (喬振宇). Niki did not hide her good feelings by praising Zhen Yu. She complimented on his professionalism, good martial arts foundation and his quick ability to learn new moves. He also takes care of other artistes and has a poise manner.

Niki has been living in mainland China for a period of time. She is accustomed to waking up early each morning and film outdoor scenes with a group of artistes. She would practice her martial arts moves when she is not needed in the scenes. The fighting scenes require her to hang by wires in the forest. Her arms and legs are bruised and scrapped.

Niki returned to Hong Kong to participate in the function 《饑饉三十》. The artiste in her group requested that she bring back some of the latest games in Hong Kong, snacks and other things. The mainland Chinese artistes also want to try out some of Hong Kong’s specialties. So Niki has an important mission. She brought back a lot of things to Hengdian.

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