
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Miriam Yeung Missing; Joey Yung: "No Wonder It's So Quiet!"

Credits: Oriental Daily
Translated: Dengero @ Joey Galaxy
Posted by: Lena ♥ @

As Miriam Yeung refuses to renew a musical contract with TVB, yesterday's recording of "Glory Land" MV (The theme song for the 2008 Beijing Olympics) was boycotted by Miriam's company Amusic, which included famous artists like Janice Vidal, Jill Vidal, Charles Ying, Michael Wong and Leon Lai (Who owns Amusic).

Eason Chan, Leo Ku and Joey Yung all commented that different companies had thier own policies and Joey added, "No wonder it was so quiet today! Perhaps not continuing the contract will allow more improvement space. Maybe Miriam thinks the Hong Kong entertainment industry is too small and wants to reach out to the world! Personally I think working with TVB had been comfortable, so I will keep going for the near future."

When interviewed, Miriam expressed that everything was to be directed to her famous boss Leon Lai but added, "I don't really know much, perhaps they are preparing me for my olympic torch run, or they think I represent Macau and not Hong Kong, so they didn't include me."

When asking the director of "Glory Land"'s MV 潘裕佳 whether he deliberately left out artists from Amusic, he expressed that he had already sent an invitation, but received a reply that all artists had no time in their schedule. Amusic left a statement saying the discontinued contract between Miriam and TVB and the unattendance for the MV is two things and unrelated.

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