
Monday, April 21, 2008

Isabella Leung has Launched an Attack at EEG; How Do Other Artistes Respond?

Translated by: kingkongit27 @ Asian Entertainment Universe
Source: Mingpao

Isabella Leung has launched an attack at EEG; What other Artistes say?

Isabella Leung has officially announced an complaint accusing the company for asking her to sign an unfair and harsh contract while she was under age. Also stated how she was forced to do some things outside her contract that were extremely unreasonable. Earlier this month, Emperor Entertainment Group (EEG) had officially filed a lawsuit against Isabella Leung. Ordering to terminate all her work related to the entertainment circle until her contract with EEG expires.

Isabella spoke for the first time yesterday officially announcing a complaint and attacking EEG. She complained of the law suit and her contract details. The details including EEG claiming 40-50% commission from her earnings. Also how her management had forced her to do some unreasonable things outside her work contract. She claimed that she felt she was being used and this had caused her to lose trust in her management company.

Artistes being asked about the Case

Niki Chow : Stated that she has never done anything outside her contract. She claimed that if you feel something is unreasonable you can instantly say “No”.Before she signed her contract papers she had her lawyer beside her. She fully understands the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Gigi Leung: “Have not received or done any work outside of my contract. When I first got into the industry I did not have a lawyer with me while signing the papers. But I was very fortunate as my first record company “Fuk Lung” had always been supportive and never asked me to do anything outside my work contract. However I didn’t mind going to social events with colleagues”.

Paul Wong: “Everyone who says they are under some forced pressure has a different opinion about the situation they are in. “ When Paul first got in the industry he didn’t want to apply any make up but was forced to. He didn’t want to change into 7 different outfit’s for a photo shoot but would still go ahead as he no choice.

Fiona Sit: Fiona does not want to comment on Isabella’s case. But she has never had to do anything unrelated or outside of her work contract. Her Record company has not interfered with her dating. As long as it did not affect her work. However, she is very comfortable with her management as her Uncle manages her work.

Kenny Kwan: “The incident is being dealt with by the company. Isabella has not discussed this matter with me personally therefore I have no reason to comment. (Do you agree with Isabella about the company earning too much commission? ) “That question is different for every individual. I think it’s fair as I originally had nothing. EEG had invested a lot of money on me. “ (Would you say Isabella is a traitor?) Kenny states he hopes things will be resolved soon. Asked whether he has to do things outside his contract? “The company job arrangements are fair and reasonable. I have not had to do anything outside my work contract or anything unrelated”.

Ken Hung: Hopes that this incident will end soon and that everyone can continue with their normal lives. As a friend he will wish her the best but will not make any comments. “If I have a problem I will try to resolve the matters calmly by discussing over it. “ Ken proclaims he thinks the contract is fair because the Company had invested a lot on him and made him a star. Also while signing the contracts it was written in black and white and everything was fully clear.

Sherman Chung: She stated that before she signed the papers of her contract a company colleague explained the terms and conditions of the agreement very clearly. Her lawyer had also seen the contract and considered it to be very fair and reasonable. She also hopes this incident will be over soon and be peacefully resolved.

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