
Monday, April 21, 2008

Isabella Leong Takes EEG to Court for Unfair Contract Terms
translated by dee-lush

Emperor Entertainment Group earlier sued Isabella Leong for a breach of contract terms. The actress-singer had made no move until yesterday, as she took legal action against the company by requesting the courts deem the contract invalid, citing that the contract was unfair and that the commission taken from her earnings was too high as reasons. In regards to Isabella latest actions, EEG’s executive, Mani Fok refused to make any comment.

Meanwhile, Kenny Kwan, an artist managed by EEG, attended an event for World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. The singer expressed that the case has been taken care of by the company’s legal team and that because he is not the person being sued, it is not his place to make a comment. In regards to the claims that EEG is taking a large percentage of their artists’ earnings as commission, Kenny believes everyone has their own views but he thinks that the commission taken by his company is fair because in the beginning he had nothing, it was his company that invested in him. About Isabella being called a traitor, Kenny expressed that he is only small character and so, cannot make any comments but he believes that everything can be solved peacefully.

On the other hand, Ken Hung hopes this issue comes to an end soon and wishes Isabella well. Regards to Isabella being called a traitor, Ken disclosed that when he had problems he had sat down and worked things out with the company. As for commission issues, Ken said he was not too clear about it but he thinks that it is quite fair because in the beginning, the terms were stated clearly in the contract.

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