
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse are as loving as ever. Rumors on separation based on wild speculation

Reports from interviews of friends of Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse at the movie screening of "花花型警", disclosed that the recent sex scandal has not affected the marriage of the couple and that of late, the both of them have picked up the hobby of competing in internet games together with a couple of friends every night. The girlfriend of Cecilia Cheung's younger brother has also stepped out to say that everyone in the family seemed unaffected when she dropped by the Tse family over the lunar new year period and that things seemed unchanged within the relationships of everyone in the family. According to her, the family only hoped that she will not look at the scandal pictures or buy tabloid magazines featuring the sex scandal pictures. Actor Shawn Yue, who is a close friend of Nicholas' also revealed that Nicholas called him over the lunar new year period to say that his son had grown up a lot and asked him to drop by his house to celebrate the new year and to visit his son at the same time. However, due to not being able to co-ordinate his free time with that of Nicholas', he has not gone to visit the Tse family but that Nicholas' mood seemed good while conversing over the phone and that he was probably nowhere near as affected as recent rumors in the tabloids suggested.

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